Annual Theatre Pod Goroj

Culture at every turn of Ruše

Annual Theatre Pod Goroj

The beautiful natural theatre "Pod Goroj" was finally built in 1931. The amphitheater-shaped space, at the foot of Pohorje, has 800-1000 seats and is extremely acoustic.

The first performance was staged in 1932 (a folk play - Finžgar's Wild Hunter), followed by one performance every year, which, without exaggeration, attracted thousands of spectators to this idyllic environment with natural scenery. The word about folk amateur games in Ruše spread throughout Slovenia. A special train was organized for Maribor for each performance. Miklova Zala (1938) and Matija Gubec (1940) experienced record attendance, as over 6,000 spectators watched them.

Despite the years, the natural environment of the summer theatre has remained almost intact. The ravages of time have not spared the weeping willows and some spruces, even the giant linden, the former symbol of the folk games is no longer there, and what remains are a modest chapel and the "prince's stone", which in 1933 and 1938 were the backdrop for the performance of Jurčič's Rokovnjačev and Sket-Šolnikova Miklov Zala.

The annual theatre comes to life every year in August, as the main venue of Letni Oder Ruše (LOR).

(Žan Kontrec)
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